Hadleigh's Shade of Wat Tyler Rocks the Boat

Hadleigh folk, for one more time
Let me address you all in rhyme
'Tis I, Wat Tyler, once a local
Though long dead, still somehow vocal
Peasants I led, back in the day
A revolting bunch I'm proud to say
But that was then, the tides have swelled
A million times since I rebelled
Now I can only watch you strive
Yet I don't envy those alive

For many, little warmth or food
How come God's favour's still so skewed?
"Alright", you say, "you've said all this
Before and, Wat, we get the gist.
Has something else now got you vexed?
If not, let us say 'thank you – next'.
We have enough upon our plates
A plague, a war, high interest rates
No more advice please, dead wiseacre
You fourteenth century troublemaker."
My Hadleigh crew please hear me out
Another villainy's about
Two hundred years I thought it gone
From the fields of Albion
The lowest form of knavery:
The curse of legal slavery
I hear the slogan 'Stop the Boats'
A desperate ploy for desperate votes
And with it hiding in plain sight:
The extinction of our rights
Slave owners will not be pursued
The slaves are free to be abused
What has become of this great isle
That folk so eagerly defile
Have you forgotten how we fought,
Is history no longer taught?
My name alongside many more
Like Wilberforce and Hannah More
And Granville Sharp and Sir John Holt
Whose words, I pray, give you a jolt:
"As soon as someone sets his foot
On English ground he's free" – well put!
Have you forgot a man's a man
From Hadleigh or Afghanistan
Or white or brown or sky-blue pink
Is slavery deserved, you think?
And women and, God, children too
Should they be slaves, in England's view?
You think me low, a ne'er-do-well
And yet I know of which I tell
I was a slave of sorts - a serf
But this new law? By Christ, it's worse
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