Registration now open for "Life changing" Great East Run Outreach programme

By Derek Davis

4th Apr 2021 | Local News

Registration is now open for the renowned Great East Run Outreach programme for inactive Suffolk residents.

25 Suffolk residents who are currently inactive are being given the opportunity to change their lives and sign up for a supported run training programme with the aim of completing the challenge of the Great East Run half marathon on the September 26 2021.

Participants will receive an extensive programme of support which will include, advice and guidance by double Olympic long-distance runner Paul Evans, expert weekly coaching sessions, gait analysis and exclusive discounts on running gear at Coes in Ipswich, and physiotherapy support from Allied Health Professionals.

Participants can also join Suffolk Mind for a free Suffolk's Needs Met course to learn about their emotional needs and wellbeing.

Over the course of 4 months participants will be supported to develop their stamina, fitness and confidence to take on the 13.1mile course.

The programme developed by Suffolk's Most Active County initiative is open to individuals over the age of 18 who do less than 30 minutes moderate to vigorous physical activity per week.

88% of the individuals who signed up for the programme in 2019 completed the Great East Run.

The programme received praise from 2019 participants. One participant said: "Life Changing. I have more energy and I want to continue running. It's also improved my mental well-being, self-belief and self-motivation"

Another said: "It has been the most positive experience I have ever taken part in. It has restored my confidence and belief and I can now say 'yes, I can'! Thank you!"

Stuart Keeble, Director of Public Health, said: "It's inspiring to hear about the individual and collective stories of those taking part in Great East Run challenge programme. This programme provides an incredible opportunity for 25 Suffolk residents to take that first step to an active lifestyle and all the benefits this can provide.

"We are working in partnership to integrate physical activity into as many aspects of life as possible through our ambition of becoming the Most Active County in England. Without doubt, one of the best ways to look after your physical and emotional wellbeing is to stay active. If you are considering becoming more active, but need some support and motivation, signing up for the Great East Run Outreach programme could be the perfect opportunity to help you start moving more.

"We have seen the transformational impact of mass participation events can have on individuals lives."

The Great East Run returns in 2021 with renewed vigour following its cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic and is anticipated to sell out with 4,000 runners taking the starts line on September 26.

To apply for a place on the programme, visit where full details of the eligibility criteria are available alongside the application form.


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