Huntsman Sam Staniland from Hadleigh in court over six animal welfare charges

By Derek Davis

20th Dec 2023 | Local News

Sam Staniland (Picture: contributed)
Sam Staniland (Picture: contributed)

Hadleigh huntsman Sam Staniland had denied six animal welfare charges relating to terrier work.

Staniland, whose full address was not read out at Ipswich Magistrates Court on Monday. due to safety concerns, was in court last Monday, formerly worked for the Essex and Suffolk Hunt based in Layham, which has been closely monitored by the Suffolk Association for Wildlife.

The court heard how Staniland, who already has a conviction under the Hunting Act from his time at the Meynell & South Staffs, failed to prevent injuries and suffering to multiple terriers, a foxhound, and two lurchers by causing, and failing to prevent, dogs from fighting with foxes and badgers. 

The court also heard how he failed to provide appropriate veterinary care for injured dogs. One suffered missing teeth, another developed infections in their muzzle and nose from fighting injuries that were not treated.

The terriers, along with Staniland's phone, were seized in police raids carried out in January as part of an RSPCA investigation into hunt terrier work. Six men were arrested after police raided hunt kennels and huntsman's houses seizing 22 dogs altogether. 

Staniland's Defence team are now applying for a warrant to drag these mistreated dogs back from their new homes so they can be provided as evidence for a Defence vet to examine, despite the fact that they have already been examined by an expert vet. Ms Stevens of the Prosecution said it would be unacceptable to expect the new owners to submit dogs as evidence, and so much time has passed it would be pointless.

Staniland is set to re-appear before magistrates in the new year.

Background to animal abuse from hunts


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