Sizewell construction could put 150 hydrogen-powered buses on county roads

By Joao Santos (Local Democracy Reporter)

23rd Jun 2024 | Local News

Plans submitted for hydrogen buses to serve Sizewell C workers could lead to largest fleet in Europe

Plans submitted for hydrogen-powered buses to serve Sizewell C workers could lead to the biggest fleet in Europe.

NNB Generation Company (Sizewell C) Limited, a subsidiary created by EDF Energy, has submitted plans to turn the front forecourt in 2-6 Central Avenue Ransomes Industrial Estate, in Ipswich, into a bus depot for up to two years.

The depot would introduce four hydrogen-powered buses as part of a pilot scheme to transport workers to the site.

This is expected to create eight two-way bus movements per day and up to 20 two-way car movements. The applicant argues it would lead to a substantial reduction in overall transport movements when compared to existing car park use.

The pilot scheme would give way to a larger project of up to 150 hydrogen-powered buses to transport the estimated 8,500 workers for the duration of construction – estimated at between nine and 12 years.

Although the larger project would need a separate planning application, if approved, it would be equivalent to the largest fleet of such buses in Europe.

The current application also includes proposals for the installation of a temporary hydrogen refuelling facility, the erection of a temporary maintenance building, and fencing around the site.

Despite pushback from local communities, the Sizewell C Development Consent Order (DCO) was approved by the Secretary of State in July 2022 to generate energy for 7 per cent of the UK's energy needs, enough electricity to power six million homes.

Through a legal agreement for the DCO, workers will be obligated to use Sizewell C's designated bus service to travel to the main site.

Ipswich Borough Council has until August 5 to determine the application.


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